Eliminating set Gray Natural Tips

Eliminating set Gray Natural Tips - Gray hair is something reasonable for those with 40 years or more. Wikipedia explains the gray hair is hair that changes color to gray and then white, it is because melanin levels unchanged. Besides age, gray hair can also arise because of the genetic factor so do not be surprised if there are people who are young have a gray hair on his head.

Eliminating set Gray Natural Tips

How To Eliminate Gray

Permanently eliminate gray hair is actually quite difficult because of the way that his own gray hair is a sign of man's nature. Most people will choose to dye your hair with natural color, but you need to know how they can make the hair damaged.

Do not get discouraged, here we share a set way of eliminating gray hair naturally that you can try!

1. Eliminate gray hair with potato skins

Maybe you will be a little hesitant, because it is not yet too familiar. A doctor named Anthony Youn direct evidence in a talk show, how to get rid of gray hair naturally with the potato skins really successful. The following steps:
  •     Separate the skin from 5 to 6 large potato
  •     Enter potato skins into a saucepan, add a glass of water and simmer for 20-30 minutes
  •     Pour and strain the cooking water potato peel into a container. Wait until cool
  •     Clean your hair, use a moisturizer (extra moisturizer). Let stand about 2 minutes then rinse with water.
  •     Pour boiling water potato skin to the hair, rub gently.
  •     Dry your hair with a towel and use a haircut that you normally use.
  •     Repeat every day or 2 to 3 times a week, until you are satisfied with the results.

Need we remind you, after you wiped the water boiled potato peel up hair do not rinse. You can do this way at night before bed. The time it takes each person will vary from one week, one month, even up to three months.

2. Eliminate gray hair with rambutan leaf

Most people would not know the traditional way of eliminating gray hair with rambutan leaf. Often we eat just fruit rambutan but discard the leaves attached. In rambutan leaf contains tannins, saponins and polyphenols that are good for the hair. Follow these steps and get rid of gray hair on your head.
  •     Take 5 to 10 leaves rambutan
  •     Wash the leaves with clean water
  •     Blend with crushed or blended way
  •     Add a little water.
  •     Strain through a sieve or cloth meeting
  •     Wipe the rambutan leaf filtered water evenly to the hair
  •     Massage the scalp slowly
  •     Let stand for about 25 minutes
  •     Rinse with warm water

This method effectively practiced before showering. Perform routine two days so that gray hair disappear quickly.

3. Eliminate gray hair with onions

If potatoes and rambutan leaf deemed difficult to obtain, of course, the way this one would have been very easy because it uses materials that exist in every home. How to get rid of gray hair from growing again with onions. Immediately following the full way:
  •     Take 2 pieces of medium size onion, cut into 2 parts do not forget to remove the shell
  •     Use a blender (medium speed) to soften the onions
  •     Strain the onion that has been refined by using gauze pads, press to exit the water
  •     Use filtered water onion to nourish hair, massage from the roots thoroughly
  •     Let stand for 60 minutes
  •     Rinse with clean water
  •     Wash your hair using shampoo

For maximum results do this way three times a week for one month. Once a month you will see hair blackening.

Hopefully set naturally gray hair removal tips can be useful to you, Share so that others who need this info also know Thanks.
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