The Story Of Mia & Sebastian ' LA LA LAND ', Love Does Not Have To Have

Been watching LA LA LAND? The musical adaptation of wandering to various film festivals and also this movie awards won one of the most prestigious races of the Golden Globes and BAFTA best Film as 2017. Unfortunately, the film directed by Damien Chazelle is unable to duplicate his Oscar after losing to MOONLIGHT.

When compared to the 8 films in the Oscar Best Picture nominees this year, what is presented Damien in LA LA LAND is the lightest. LA LA LAND wrapping a love story Mia Dolan (Emma Stone), an actress who recently stepping on his career and Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling), a jazz pianist who is equally large as Mia had a dream.

The Story Of Mia & Sebastian ' LA LA LAND ', Love Does Not Have To Have

MIA who originally worked as a cashier at a coffee shop in the Warner Bros. Studio believes will dream of the magnitude being an actress. He sometimes stunned to see some people great actress who drop in to kedainya to buy a cup of coffee.

The destiny bring together himself with Sebastian in central city congestion of Los Angeles. Nothing special and redundant until finally they both reunited again in a party that contains a group of socialite or even the social climber. Scenes for the sake of scenes Damien wrapped with a pretty neat, even though it sometimes feels a bit rude and pushy.

There is no process of shootout between the two. A more mature love story featuring that Mia trying invites Sebastian to know more in the passionnya in the world of acting, nor vice versa. Sebastian invites Mia hangout at a jazz club in Los Angeles so that Mia knew that he is not a pianist who played the top 40 songs belong to someone else.

Each had a strong dream future. Sebastian wants to open a jazz club and need a lot of funds to make it happen. While Mia want to pursue his dreams to become a great actress.

Falling awake experienced Mia when received from a failed audition to another audition. She found comfort in Sebastian have always supported his dream, unlike the beloved who is always busy with his work. After a scene, Mia decided to stay along with Sebastian, forget his beloved.

One day, Sebastian met with Keith (John Legend), his friend during high school and asked him to join his band keyboardis becomes. Sebastian is not directly mengiyakan the offer, but finally decided to sign a contract after hearing the conversation Mia with her mother. MIA promised to continue to support Sebastian reached his dream.

However, sometimes what we want does not meet the expectations. MIA felt disappointed with the first concert of her new band because Sebastian and assume that the girlfriend sells their idealism for the sake of money. Sebastian who emotionally pointed Mia would prefer if himself far away from success.

Sebastian no matter the more preoccupied with her and left Mia himself preparing his theatrical performances. On the day of the eagerly anticipated, Sebastian comes too late and could not watch the action of Mia.

MIA angry decided to home village. Sebastian chased him and brought the good news that there is a producer interested in acting Mia.

Unfortunately, the two lovebirds decided to have mercy on each other but could not ascertain whether they get along in the future. Sometimes, we feel finding the right partner to so our life, until at some point, we have to let it go. Grievous indeed. But let mengaca at the end of the love story of Mia and Sebastian.

The plot of the switch during the next 5 years. MIA has already become a famous actress like her dream. Sebastian? MIA discovers that Sebastian has been a jazz club with logo design he ever used to be.

Both eventually you met and are carried by the flashback to the past. What if what if A, B and regretness never ending. In the end, sincere is the right word to describe the love story of Mia and Sebastian that can't be had each other.

Damien success makes us terhenyak with unexpected endings. If most romantic-drama film ended with a sad or happy endings, Damien gives the ending very humane and natural. Somesay, happy ending is just for a fairy tale. But at least, LA LA LAND teaches us to keep a dares to dream and thanks to what we could achieve. How's your story?
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