3 HOW TO ELIMINATE EXCESSIVE IN ABDOMINAL FAT - distended stomach caused by a buildup of fat in the body, in other words most of the body weight. distended stomach due to obesity and is an issue that is not helpful for us to show to someone.
To menyngkirkan excessive fat on the stomach, there are some things that need to be observed. various programs to be implemented with full discipline of which is, to protect a healthy diet, adequate rest, regular exercise and taking supplements that Sesua to improve your metabolism.
Distended stomach lasts Lantara incoming power exceeds that of necessity. excesses of this power will be stored in the form of fat, not just because of the amount of input power greater but also lack of exercise as well as other fisit activities. little by little and will take place over long periods buildup of fat in your body. fat accumulation will be more easily take place if the body part that is spoiled for activity.
To menyngkirkan excessive fat on the stomach, there are some things that need to be observed. various programs to be implemented with full discipline of which is, to protect a healthy diet, adequate rest, regular exercise and taking supplements that Sesua to improve your metabolism.
Distended stomach lasts Lantara incoming power exceeds that of necessity. excesses of this power will be stored in the form of fat, not just because of the amount of input power greater but also lack of exercise as well as other fisit activities. little by little and will take place over long periods buildup of fat in your body. fat accumulation will be more easily take place if the body part that is spoiled for activity.

1. Training the abdominal muscles. to get rid of the belly fat by way of slowly-latahn is to exercise and move using the abdominal muscles. sports and activities that are no longer spoil the stomach is very important. exercise can increase metabolism and facilitate the flow of blood circulation that can present health.
2. Sports accordingly. good exercise is done during morning light exercise such as aerobics, dancing, treadmill, swimming and sit-ups. for the afternoon is recommended to exercise with a load lifted to burn carbohydrates and desist back with light exercise. Take it with tratur sports and intense. more diligent and more organized every day it will be faster to reduce levels of fat in your stomach.
3. Special diets. program calorie diet special need be done to streamline the stomach to protect the calorie consumption does not exceed 1,600 calories, and stay away from excessive fat consumption. Good fat is the unexpected bored and there are many in olive oil, avocado, chocolate, and nuts. consume vegetables and fruits that have more fiber content to facilitate the digestive process. drinking enough water a minimum of 8 glasses a day to make smooth the process of metabolism. junk food that contains a lot of sugar, flour, and oil and carbonated beverages should be avoided for the health of your fat.