7 CHOICE BEST FOOD FOR YOUR BREAKFAST MENU - food in the morning or breakfast is one thing snagat important to initiate various activities and daily routines. This is because the body needs energy supplies from various nutrients and vitamins contained in your breakfast menu. select the type of food is best for your morning menu is a matter of paramount importance. The following 7 selection of the best food for your morning menu.

1. Bananas. The fruit turned out to be highly recommended for all of us to serve as your morning uptake menu. in addition to its soft texture and sweet taste, bananas contain high enough carbohydrates and certainly will make your stomach full. in addition, bananas contain potassium which acts to lower blood pressure naturally.
2. Eggs. This is food that is also suitable to be consumed at breakfast. in addition to easy to serve it, eggs are one of the foods rich in protein and contains vitamin D.
3. Watermelon. This is one of the fruits that contain enough water for your body. so that is very suitable to be consumed in the morning to meet the needs of your body fluid required. in addition, the watermelon is rich in lycopene. lycopene is able to nourish the eye organ and heart disease and ward off cancer.
4. Strawberries. This fruit is also very suitable for your morning breakfast menu. This is because strawberries contain antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid and fiber jumblah. stoberi also plays an important role for improving your heart health.
5. A cup of coffee without sugar. This is one delicious drink that is also appropriate for your morning menu. drinking coffee in reasonable amounts may reduce risk of diabetes as well as prostate cancer. This is because, coffee contains caffeine and antioxidants needed by the body to memangkal the disease.
6. A cup of hot tea. if you do not like to drink coffee, then tea can also be the best alternative for your morning beverage. This is because, tea contains antioxidants which contribute boost your immune system.
7. melon. abundant water content in the melon is able to meet the needs of body fluids in the morning. besides, melon also contains vitamins A and C to nourish your body so, no harm in serving the melon in your breakfast menu.