HOW TO OVERCOME NATURAL DRY HAIR - Hair is the crown for the women. have beautiful hair and soft surely be the desire of all womankind but, vice versa dry hair and broken into one of the most disturbing and create confidence lost so many young people doing a variety of ways to make their hair becomes softer and straight. as do smooting and rebonding, it is certainly not too good to be chosen in order to improve or nourish your hair and here I will give you a natural way to cope with curly hair like that today probably are experiencing.

1. Solve your dry hair with olive oil. Olive oil has been used by decreased as herbal hair care. olive oil benefits for hair beauty very much and one of them is to soften the skin. besides can cope with dry hair, olive oil can also be used to treat the hair to keep it soft and healthy of course. to get the benefits of olive oil do not be too difficult. pour a few drops of olive oil and rubbed gently on the hair and scalp evenly, massage gently and let stand a few minutes and then the final stage is to rinse with clean water.
2. subdue dry hair with honey. Honey has numerous ingredients that can soften your hair naturally. the way you have to do is prepare 1 tablespoon of honey and add 4 small cups of water and stir until evenly mixed both materials, use materials that you already work surface and roll in your head area. do until all your hair exposed to blend ingredients and begin to set aside some time and the final stage is to rinse with clean water.
3. Overcome your dry hair with avocado. enjoy a glass of juice avocado would be very refreshing in the summer. besides favors for consumption, avocado juice is also beneficial to address your hair is getting dry and dull. do not be too hard, blender one avocado flesh and mix with coconut milk kanil. after smooth and evenly, use a mixture of the concoction you to indent your hair cream bath evenly and let sit for about 30 minutes, hold the end is to rinse with clean water.