It turns out the reason Kristen Stewart Trim runs out of his hair - Recently successful Kristen Stewart make a splashy public and media with his new hair style. Former lover Robert Pattinson suddenly appeared with his head shaved while attending film premiere PERSONAL SHOPPER events held in Los Angeles on Tuesday (7/3).
Of course this is direct surfers to fans curious. Many are wondering what exactly the reason Christianity until the reckless menggunduli the head. But now you dont need to be curious anymore, because Kristen just open sound.
Of course this is direct surfers to fans curious. Many are wondering what exactly the reason Christianity until the reckless menggunduli the head. But now you dont need to be curious anymore, because Kristen just open sound.

Being a guest star in the show, the Today Show beautiful actress United States origin was revealed what the reasons behind his decision. That's where it was revealed, if in fact he had long wanted to trim the depleted his hair like this, as reported by the Us Magazine.
"Yes because it is more practical. I mean, I dont would briefly touch-up when they put the helmet on my head, "said Christian while insists if he did want to menggunduli his head not because of the demands of his latest role in a film, UNDERWATER.
Do not forget, Christian also adds, "I've wanted to do this for a long time, Yes for the sake of the new style. It feels really amazing. I so want to head bang a day. "
Earlier in the year 2014 the past, Christianity has indeed expressed his desire to have hair bald. Not only that, he even claimed to be making tattoo on his head one day. Could it be that now is the time that fit him?