5 TIPS TO PREVENT NATURAL EYE ON CATARACT - So far no study has been able to find how to prevent cataracts in the eye or slow the development of cataracts in the eyes. however, severe experts think there are still some tips that might help prevent or slow cataract ,. The following 5 natural tips mengecah cataracts in the eyes.

1. Check the eyes regularly. eye examinations done regularly can help detect cataracts and other eye problems that will certainly be harmful to your eyes. try to ask your doctor how often you should perform checks in order to maintain the health of your eyes.
2. Reduce the consumption of alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can certainly increase the risk of cataracts in your eyes or other eye problems.
3. Wear sunglasses. ultraviolet rays from the sun can increase the risk of cataracts in your eyes. try using black katamata when you're in the sun to block ultraviolet light exposed directly in your eyes.
4. Control your weight. If you currently have a healthy weight, keep by exercising regularly. if you are overweight or obese, try to lose weight slowly to reduce calorie intake and increase physical activity every day.
5. Eat fruits and vegetables. include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to meet the needs of vitamins and nutrients the body. Fruit and vegetables have antioxidants that can help maintain the health of your eyes.