TIPS TO BACK RED LIPS FOR SMOKERS - One of the problems often faced by smokers is severe lips become dark. the beauty of your natural lip color pink is lost already.
Not only on the lips, the dark color also happens to be around your mouth if you start smoking excessively. This usually occurs because of reasons such as an abundance sejumblah tobacco content of cigarettes you suck, or lack of oxygen supply.
Black lips make sejumblah people looking for an easy natural way how to lighten the color of her lips back. there are actually easy and healthy tips to get back bright color on your lips and I'll explain below.
Not only on the lips, the dark color also happens to be around your mouth if you start smoking excessively. This usually occurs because of reasons such as an abundance sejumblah tobacco content of cigarettes you suck, or lack of oxygen supply.
Black lips make sejumblah people looking for an easy natural way how to lighten the color of her lips back. there are actually easy and healthy tips to get back bright color on your lips and I'll explain below.

1. Brush your teeth with exfoliation. This very simple way to exfoliate your lips are blackening. you need is to moisturize your lips with petroleum jelly or olive oil and a soft toothbrush.
Apply petroleum jelly or olive oil on your lips and use a soft toothbrush to exfoliate the skin.
run the brush over your lips in a circular motion gently for 3-4 minutes, rinse your mouth with warm water and use a moisturizer to maintain moisture.
2. Sugar and Lemon. This method can also exfoliate your lips skin blackening. take one teaspoon of sugar, add a few drops of olive oil and then mix the lemon course. Now take the paste and apply your lip service. gently massage your lips in a circular motion so that the skin peeling lips. after all the sugar is dissolved and away, start rinse with plain water.
3. Lemon and Honey. lemon helps change the color of your lips and lip lip nourishes the skin remains soft and supple. to make this mixture, take honey and lemon juice in jumblah the same, then mix well and apply on your lips and allow about 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with plain water.
4. Glycerin and Lemon. The most widely used mask before bedtime. jumblah gilserin and lemon juice in equal jumblah and apply on your lips. leave it on for the whole night and the next morning wash with plain water.
5. Oil and honey almond. want to use almond and honey to change the color on your lips? mix a small amount of almond oil and honey in the same jumblah and apply on your lips, then let about 30 minutes and wash with plain water. use this mask every three or four times a day for the sake of a satisfactory outcome.
6. Rose petals and milk. roses have a very amazing effects for your lips. not only lend a pinkish hue, but it also nourishes the skin. milk and rose petals package is very good for the skin exfoliate your lips are blackening and make it look full.
to make this mask, crush some fresh rose petals and add milk cream and add honey to form a paste. apply to the lips and let stand for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it first with milk and then water.