3 TIPS REGULAR REMOVE Cough / cough with phlegm BY NATURAL - Every person
must have experienced such thing as an ordinary cough or cough with
phlegm. Stone actually is a mechanism of the body to remove dirt or mucus attached to the throat. the cause of the cough is a viral infection and the disease also includes a contagious disease.
From some kind of disease, the disease may cough most disturbing your daily, for patients with common cold and cough with phlegm will be difficult to rest and cough sufferers also remove dirt and throat mucus every time when they begin to feel something awful. The following will give you 3 Tips Home natural tips to eliminate common cough / cough phlegm natural way:

1. Wedang Ginger - Ginger is one herb ingredient kitchen which has good efficacy for eliminating most common cough / cough with phlegm. besides eliminating coughs, throat and ginger also gives a sense of warmth to the body. Ginger also has some sort of anti-bacterial compounds that can relieve common cold / cough with phlegm. you can drink the ginger every morning and night.
2. Mixed Betel Leaf And Ginger - A mixture of betel leaves and ginger are proven to eliminate cough. you only need to boil the leaves in the series were mixed with pieces of ginger. boiled water betel leaves with pieces of ginger can warm while you drink three times a day and make up an ordinary cough / cough with phlegm you really lost.
3. Mixed Lime And Ketchup - The final way that could house Tips give is to use a mixture of lemon juice and soy sauce. This way may very often be used by many ordinary people to remove stones and coughing up phlegm because this method really works to eliminate various cough. lemon cut into two parts, then squeeze lemon that has been cut. put the lime juice to taste before kesendok eat, then mix with a little soy sauce and get a drink until they run out.