7 MOTIVE TO YOU MORE EAGER TO BUILD THE MORNING - When we want to get up early, surely sometimes we feel lazy to get up and want to sleep longer but had to get out of bed because of the activities that are waiting for us in the morning.
certainly everyone wondered how much easier for us to wake up and not have a lazy-masalan (excited) in the morning, right? The following I will give you 7 motives so that we are more excited to get up in the morning.
Find the reason that favors so accustomed to getting up early.
certainly everyone wondered how much easier for us to wake up and not have a lazy-masalan (excited) in the morning, right? The following I will give you 7 motives so that we are more excited to get up in the morning.
Find the reason that favors so accustomed to getting up early.

1. Start slowly by getting up 15-30 minutes earlier than usual for a few days, then added another 15 minutes earlier than you already do. do like this gradually until the desired clock, for example, an early riser 04.30
2. Sleep early. reduce the time to watch television or surf the internet.
3. Prepare the sound of the alarm and put a little away from the bed, forcing you out of bed to turn it off, as he rang the next day dna remember not to force yourself back into your bed again.
4. Set the clock a few minutes faster than necessary.
5. Do not drink coffee or soda at bedtime because it can hinder you when you want to sleep soundly.
6. Do not indulge with sleeping late on weekends. still wake up early as usual in order to maintain the habit of getting up in the morning to you.
7. Select the right reasons and pleasant to wake up in the morning. for example, bear in mind that getting up early is very important in your life, or you make it a habit to meditate every morning to breathe clean air and fresh or you can read a few pages of a book while drinking a cup of hot tea.