7 TIPS HEALTHY HABITS TO WHICH SHOULD TEACH YOUR CHILDREN - Child is a gift that has been given by God and we must care for and provide the best for him. in order to be good and healthy, we have to guide him or take care of him as possible and it certainly began when she was a child. when he was a kid, a lot of important things that you should teach that he has a good living habits and the following I will explain seven important things you should teach your child so that your child can grow well and healthy.

1. Eat healthy foods with the same with your child. for parents, as much as possible should serve healthy diet such as fruits and green vegetables to the dinner table sertamakan together with your child.
2. Bring food from home. if you send children bring lunch from home, parents who work should also bring food from home. to bring food from home, we must know about the 'health food and it can make you and your child live a healthy life.
3. Exercising together. If parents mengiginkan children have a hobby of exercise, then you ought to be an example for your child. try to get up early today and ask your child to exercise together, of course, it can make children and your children healthy life.
4. Stop smoking. parents also should quit bad habits such as smoking and unhealthy. because, there will never be pointless if you forbid your children not to smoke if you yourself still smoke cigarettes, so try to quit smoking starting from now.
5. Begin enough sleep and routine every night. Special Parents, please remove the habit of staying up late and take the kids to start sleeping at the time specified tired. because it's useless to tell your child started to sleep, while you are preoccupied with your evening activity or activities.
6. Drinking water in sufficient quantities. as a wise old man, you teach children to drink healthy beverages in sufficient quantities. in this case, surely drink water every day is the right choice.
7. Teach for hand washing. the habit of washing hands before eating or after a long day or work should become a routine of parents everyday. this will motivate children to do the same thing as is done by the parents.