PREVENT HEART DISEASE SPECIAL YOUTH - Heart disease is one of the most deadly diseases that can be life threatening human life. in fact, the lifestyle of teenagers today can increase the risk of heart disease when they began adulthood. for that, we need more serious attention about the various tips that can mengecah heart disease among young people of our generation today. then, what are these simple tips?

7 tips that can mencegas heart disease for adolescents:
1. Start Exercising. in fact, not the least of which is not severe adolescent passion for exercise for their health. began to build a new tradition for the sake of keeping kesehatab body, how to get up early and do sports activities for 30 minutes every morning.
2. Stop Smoking. In fact, not a few of today's teenagers are always damaging their health by smoking cigarettes. from now on stop smoking for your health.
3. Control Your Weight. overweight or obesity in adolescents are particularly vulnerable and at higher risk of heart disease when they begin in adulthood. besides the risk of type 2 diabetes can also threaten the teenagers who are overweight (obsesitas).
4. Fulfill Needs Healthy Food. The teens should start regularly consume a variety of fruits and green vegetables. This is because, both types of these foods contain a variety of nutrients and vitamins for the body and the heart to stay healthy.
5. Always On. The teens should start reducing sedentary living habits are too long as too long played a computer or just watch television pickles. solution, start walking path room of your house for 15 minutes after being seated for approximately 45 minutes in length.
6. Reduce Salt Consumption. in this case. teenagers should be able to control the level of salt consumption are entered into her body. one of them is to look at first about the salt content of food labels that will dikonsuminya plus subtract to consume various processed foods high salinity of course.
7. Stress Level Control. Various issues affecting young people are very likely to increase the risk of stress that can reduce a healthy body and heart. for this reason, the use of vacation time to visit new places that can eliminate the stress so that the health of the body to stay awake later.
Here are 7 powerful tips to prevent heart disease for adolescents, may be useful.