5 IMPACT OF USING SMARTPHONE IN EXCESSIVE - "Smartphone" may already be familiar to most people. even worse smartphone users from day to day are less likely to experience an increase in uncontrolled. various features and aplikasih presented by smartphone users do not want to make all the way from his smartphone. that is the cause of various health disorders and problems that you may feel today. then what are the actual risks of excessive use of smartphones?


Health tips will discuss about five things that will happen if you severe smartphone users use it excessively.

1. Increased risk of finger cramps and inflammation. Fingers, wrist and elbow in the hands of the regions most severely sacrificed if their phones users smartpone meungkana excessively. the effect will certainly start you feel as frequent cramps in the fingers and increase the risk of inflammation of the joints (tendinitis). what is the solution? try to limit the use of smartphones and stretch after using then you probably will avoid things that are harmful to your health.

2. Causes stiffness in the neck and back. the majority of smartphone users always plays down time at the screen of his smartphone. This has resulted in pain or pain in the neck and back of the user. what is the solution? smarhpone you try to align with your head then the pain in these two areas will be your aversion.

3. Endangering the health of the eye. span of smartphone use for so long that surely will be a bad effect on your eyes like the organ began to blur, dry eyes, and the eyes are getting tired. what is the solution? adjust the font size on a smartphone as comfortable as possible, often winks and the occasional eyes off the smartphone by looking at more distant objects of course.

4. At risk Nomophobia symptoms. Nomophobia is the fear to live, if they have to live without a smartphone in hand. what is the solution? do not often check smartphones by placing in a bag instead of your pockets and spend some time at least one day without a smartphone. brace yourself!
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